No 270 Old Onitsha Road, bethel building Opp. Anglican Girls Sec. School junction (Nnewi) (+234) 7015815801



DevOps Methodologies

The goal of the DevOps technique is to enhance work at every stage of the software development lifecycle.It integrates information technology operations (Ops) and software development (Dev), with both groups taking part in every stage of the service lifecycle, from design to development to production support.

The objectives of DevOps

  • Quick Development Techniques
  • Quick Quality Assurance Techniques
  • Quick Deployment Techniques
  • quicker time to market
  • Iteration and Continuous Feedback (meaning that development, quality assurance, production engineers, product owners, and end users/customers communicate strongly and continuously with each other)
  • Infrastructure Provisioning

    To provide and manage infrastructure across many cloud providers, data centers, and services, Terraform offers a declarative and uniform method.

    Infrastructure as Code: What Is It?

    For most businesses, infrastructure provisioning is essential, and there are many well-liked solutions available to do this, including Pelumi, CouldFormations, and Terraform. However, Terraform is cloud agnostic, meaning it can be used with a variety of cloud providers, including GCP, Azure, and AWS.In terms of automated resource creation, Terraform is the most often used option.For the most part, businesses want their IT infrastructure to be scalable and to deploy consistently from one instance to the next. What is coded infrastructure? Using configuration files to manage your IT infrastructure will make it easier to maintain the right development environment.

    The Development of IaC

    IaC has advanced significantly from basic scripts to extensive orchestration. Simple scripts were used by early adopters to set up networks and servers. These days, advanced orchestration is provided by IaC solutions, making it simple to build complicated infrastructure systems. IaC has developed to support dynamic, cloud-native architectures in response to the growth of containerization and cloud computing. IaC's development is crucial because it guarantees that infrastructure is not only managed but also codified, version-controlled, and automated, paving the way for further changes to the tech landscape as DevOps and cloud technologies continue to gain prominence.

    Importance of Modern Technology

    IaC has proven to be an effective facilitator of agility in contemporary IT. The necessity for businesses to quickly adapt arose from the fast-paced tech sector. With scripts, Infrastructure as a Service (IaC) enables IT teams to provision, configure, and manage infrastructure quickly and reliably. This means that IaC scripts or templates ensure that infrastructure is constructed precisely as intended every time, whether it's for development, testing, or production. This means that manual, error-prone installations are no longer necessary.

    IaC: Is It Vital for DevOps?

    Unquestionably, Infrastructure as Code, or IaC, is essential to DevOps operations and is frequently seen as the cornerstone of the DevOps mindset. The goal of DevOps is to eliminate boundaries between teams working on development and operations, promoting cooperation, adaptability, and ongoing enhancement. IaC is essential to accomplishing these goals.

    IaC encourages repeatability and consistency in the configuration and provisioning of infrastructure. Additionally, IaC fosters better cooperation between the development and operations teams, and IAC boosts productivity. Additionally, it enhances flexibility and scalability.


    Documentation plays a critical role in promoting collaboration and upholding transparency. It is recommended that organizations create well-organized and comprehensible documentation for IaC scripts and setups. The goal, dependencies, and configurations of each resource should be explained in this description. Maintaining current documentation is crucial in order to account for infrastructure changes. Teams may guarantee that knowledge is transferred efficiently and lower the possibility of misunderstandings and mistakes brought on by out-of-date or missing information by including documentation into the development process.

    Management of configurations

    In order to make sure that a system continues to function as intended even after several modifications are made over time, configuration management is the process of maintaining computer systems, servers, applications, network devices, and other IT components. It includes all of the administrative and technical tasks involved in developing, maintaining, modifying under supervision, and ensuring the quality of the work scope.Teams utilize several technologies like Ansible, Puppet, and Terraform to get a high degree of automation in order to accomplish the high levels of automation required for Configuration Management

    Configuration Management's Significance

    The advantages of putting in place a sound Configuration Management plan are numerous. Here are a few advantages: keeps the systems consistent Consistency between development and production systems is ensured by proper configuration management. By doing this, it is ensured that systems in development and production behave identically

    Site Continuity and Dependability

    Data loss, crashes, and other undesired events are avoided when hardware and software systems are configured correctly. Through the implementation of a standardized and consistent setup process, your company may reduce errors and downtime to the absolute minimum.

    Simpler Scaling

    Efficient integration of new team members is also made possible by proper configuration management, which guarantees that tools can onboard a large infrastructure over time. Tools for configuration management


    Git is a distributed version control system that is free and open source that can quickly and effectively manage any size project, from little to very large. Sharing automation throughout your company is simple with the Ansible

    Ansible Automation

    The Ansible Automation and continuous integration and continuous deployment should be bold tool
    Ansible Platform. With just one subscription, it offers all the features required to design, implement, and oversee automation. Explore the capabilities and advantages of Ansible Automation Platform, including Red Hat Insights, automation analytics, and execution environments for automation.

    Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CICD)

    The DevOps methodology's central element, continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), enables enterprises to produce high-quality software rapidly and effectively. Organizations can overcome typical problems and accomplish their goals by automating builds and tests, configuring a well-thought-out CI/CD pipeline, and adhering to best practices for CI/CD.
    The Devops methodology infrastructure provisioningdocumentation,git,docker-containerization,observability and alert management

    Automating Tests and Builds

    Automating your builds and tests is the next step after selecting a CI/CD tool. This includes writing the code, setting up the deployment strategy, and executing automated tests. The CI/CD approach relies heavily on automated testing since it helps identify and address problems early in the development cycle.

    Setting Up the Process for Deployment

    The method by which code is moved from the development environment to the production environment is called the deployment workflow. The deployment workflow must be properly configured because it will impact how quickly and consistently code updates are pushed to production. Code updates are tested and verified in a staging environment before being deployed to production as part of the deployment cycle.

    Automated Examination

    The CI/CD approach relies heavily on automated testing since it helps identify and address problems early in the development cycle. testing can be automated in a variety of ways, such as unit, integration, and end-to-end testing. It's critical to select the appropriate test type and write quick, dependable tests for every scenario.

    Automation of Deployment

    The technique of automatically sending code updates from the development environment to the production environment is known as deployment automation. Continuous delivery and continuous deployment are the two primary methods for automating deployments. Whereas continuous deployment deploys code changes to production as soon as they are committed to the source code repository, continuous delivery deploys code changes to production when they are ready.


    With the help of the open-source Docker software platform, developers can design, implement, and oversee applications across a broad range of computer environments. With the help of its container-based virtualization solution, developers can package their apps into separate containers that can be deployed on any cloud computing platform or operating system. Developers can create, test, and launch apps more quickly and easily with Docker, all without worrying about hardware requirements or compatibility problems.

    Docker Image

    A Docker image is an executable, standalone, and lightweight package that includes all the code, libraries, runtime environment, and system tools required to run an application. It offers an application deployment platform that is reliable and consistent, independent of the host operating system or underlying infrastructure. From a base image, Docker images are produced by specifying a collection of instructions known as a Dockerfile that outline the image's step-by-step construction. A container is a code-isolated environment in the Docker format. This indicates that neither your operating system nor your data are known to a container. It operates in the environment that Docker Desktop gives you. Because of this, a container typically contains all the necessary components, including the minimum operating system, for your code to execute. Docker Desktop is a tool for managing and exploring containers.


    By interpreting the instructions from a Dockerfile, Docker is able to automatically construct images. All the commands an individual could use to put together an image on the command line are contained in a text document called a Dockerfile.

    Docker Compose

    To define and manage multi-container Docker applications, utilize Docker Compose, a strong and effective tool. With it, developers may design an application stack that specifies the volumes, networks, and services required for the containers to function as a unit. Docker Compose simplifies the deployment process, making it much easier to orchestrate large designs.

    Docker Daemon

    The host's background application that is in charge of managing the creation, use, and distribution of Docker containers. The operating system process that clients communicate with is known as the daemon.

    Docker Client

    The command-line application that enables user-daemon communication.

    A registry of Docker images is called Docker Hub. The registry functions as a directory containing all of the accessible Docker images. They can be used for pushing and pulling images by Docker registries.

    Ii, Frequently utilized tags within a Dockerfile: FROM: Indicates which base picture will be used to create the image. RUN: During the build process, this command is carried out. CMD: Defines the standard command that is executed upon container startup. ENV: Configures a container environment variable. COPY: This method transfers only the directories or files into the container from the host computer. ADD: Add functions similarly to copy, except that it extracts tar from the source directory into the destination and accepts a URL in place of a local file or directory. EXPOSE: Allows the container to use a specified port or ports. LABEL: Appends key-value pairs of metadata to the picture. USER: Designates the user that will be logged in to operate the container. WORKDIR: As the name implies, it establishes the container's working directory.


    Keeping an eye on the architecture and infrastructure Leverage the following to bring observability to intricate production LLM ecosystems: Distributed Tracing: Follow requests from one microservice to the next. Granular Metrics: Gather data from every infrastructure and service tier separately. Keep track of metrics in a time series database for analysis and anomaly identification. Unified Logging: Combine logs from several systems into a single analytics and storage platform.

    The Importance of LLM Observation

    A successful LLM monitoring system offers: Reliability: Recognize malfunctions and problems with performance that affect users Accuracy: Recognize data drift that over time skews model results. Security: Anomalies on the surface that point to possible weaknesses or misuse Compliance: Keep track of audits for model governance and laws such as GDPR. Enhance models continuously using data and trends from actual usage in the real world. Fairness: Keep an eye out for prejudices and make sure that all user groups perform equally.

    Keeping an eye on the architecture and infrastructure

    Leverage the following to bring observability to intricate production LLM ecosystems: Distributed Tracing: Follow requests from one microservice to the next. Granular Metrics: Gather data from every infrastructure and service tier separately. Keep track of metrics in a time series database for analysis and anomaly identification. Unified Logging: Combine logs from several systems into a single analytics and storage platform.

    Alert management

    Alert management is the process that takes place in between an alert's creation and triage. Detection and Response teams are in charge of creating and managing the systems that produce alerts and are also in charge of evaluating those alerts for malicious intent. The majority of alert management systems are basic, providing analysts with alerts as soon as feasible. Very few, however, offer teams what they truly require—a reduction in labor through automation. These kinds of systems, of which Sguil is a prime example, were popular many years ago, but they are now closely connected with SIEMs and have little use outside of the SIEM. Over the years, several approaches to alert management, such distributed alerting, have been put forth; however, these are typically described in a blog post that follows the format of "draw the rest of the owl" and skips over the systems and requirements necessary to advance security alert management. This tutorial aims to assist you in drawing the remaining portion of the owl.

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    No 270 Old Onitsha Road, bethel building Opp. Anglican Girls Sec. School junction (Nnewi) Anambra, Nigeria.

    (+234) 7015815801

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